💬Social Stickers

One-Click Graphics for Branding & Social Media

Every Ninja is equipped with a variety of social media stickers, readily accessible from your Profile Picture menu. Initially featuring a selection of our favorites, we have the capability to continuously expand this assortment. Expect to see more intricate overlays, additional languages, and a broader range of expressive phrases. Our vision includes integrating a custom editor and unique font options, allowing holders to craft their personalized overlays in a future builder tool.

English & Language-Agnostic Stickers:

  • gm: "gm" stands for "good morning." It's common to see people sharing "gm" posts on X platform every morning. This is a simple way to engage others and prompt replies.

  • Yes: Use this to agree with someone, indicating that their point is 100% correct.

  • Fud: Employed when someone spreads baseless negativity, and you wish to highlight it.

  • Cope: Suggested when advising someone to calm down and take things lightly.

  • Gib: Short for "give," used when seeking access to a sought-after project.

  • Heart: Expresses appreciation and love.

  • Mic: Represents a microphone, often used by podcasters and hosts of spaces.

  • Wen: Abbreviation for "when," suitable for expressing anticipation about an event. You can ask, "wen?"

Chinese Language Stickers:

  • 牛逼: Internet slang for "Awesome." It's a bit inappropriate but humorous.

  • 早啊: Means "Good Morning" in Chinese.

  • 你好: Translates to "Hello," literally meaning "You are good." It's often the first Chinese phrase people learn.

  • 谢谢: Means "Thanks," or "I appreciate you." It's a polite expression of gratitude.

  • 很好: Translates to "Very good" or "Excellent," often used to praise a job well done.

  • : The Chinese equivalent of "LFG" or "Let's go," in English. It's used to express excitement and encouragement.

  • 不对: Literally means "not right." Use it when someone makes an incorrect statement, and you want to correct them.

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